Hi everyone it's only me Olga... oh and my boat anchor Troy!
Hahahahaaaaaaaa Troy has had his first visit to the naughty
step and he really didn’t like..
We’ve been going on MY beach every night and it’s been great
I love it on there, Mum has been coming with us as well, she always has treats
in her pockets, I’m sure her coat is made from treats! Troy thinks he deserves
a treat for everything – coming back when he’s called, fetching a stick when
Dad throws it, he’s such a do-gooder. Well he was until he decided to run after
a strange dog! I’ll tell you what happened…
We had gone onto MY beach and Dad had let me run off first
whilst Troy stayed on his lead, I did a couple runs by past Troy sticking my
tongue out shouting “ner ner na ner ner I’m off my leeeaddd” …..hehehe He was
jumping and crying as usual. Dad walked him nearer to the water and then told
him to sit down whilst he took his head collar off, of course he got a treat
for doing that dead easy thing! He then chased after me woofing he was going to
catch me, I ran as fast as I could, but I was laughing so much he caught me
pretty quick. He tagged me and ran off, as I turned to chase after him I
spotted this big furry dog heading for us, it was running at top speed, it
really didn’t look like it wanted to play either, I don’t like strange dogs so
I started to run towards it to tell it to go away we are not playing.
When the strange dog got close to me, I could tell it wasn’t friendly
because it was growling, so I shouted at it to go away, but it wouldn’t listen
to me, it then headed straight towards Dad! Troy was playing in the water and
didn’t notice what was going on until the strange dog barked at Dad. When Troy
heard that he turned around and saw what was going on, and he set off at full
speed after this dog! Wow Troy is actually a really fast runner! He barged into
the strange dog and knocked it over! he then started shouting at it to leave us
alone. Dad shouted Troy to come back because the strange dog had run off, but
Troy wouldn’t go back to Dad, instead he chased after the strange dog and
pushed him over again. Dad was shouting like mad but Troy wouldn’t come back
until he was sure the strange dog had learnt its lesson.
I stayed next to Dad until Troy came back, and Dad gave me 2
treats because I had been good and not chased after the strange dog, but Troy on
the other paw, was on the naughty step, because when he got back to Dad and sat
down he wasn’t given a treat, Dad told him off and said he was naughty for not
coming back. Troy tried to explain to Dad that he was protecting him, but Dad
said “Troy stop answering me back with that crying, you have been naughty and
should have come back when I whistled you”. I sat there and said “Yeah Troy you
we well naughty” hehehe..
When we got home Dad told Mum about the strange dog and how
naughty Troy was, but instead of Mum agreeing with Dad she went up to Troy and
gave him a big cuddle and kiss for protecting me and Dad! I ran over to Mum and
said “Wow wow wow let me get one thing straight Mum Troy DID NOT protect me, I’m
a big brave girl and I don’t need protecting” Honestly the shame of it…
Mum told Little John, Alicia and Coriene about how brave Troy
had been, and the next thing they walk in with a big new toy for him! Obviously
I stole it hahahahaha… and Troy cried… somethings never change.
See you soon
Love Olga and the boat anchor.