Sunday, 25 September 2016

Troy's first visit to the naughty step....

Hi everyone it's only me Olga... oh and my boat anchor Troy!

Hahahahaaaaaaaa Troy has had his first visit to the naughty step and he really didn’t like..

We’ve been going on MY beach every night and it’s been great I love it on there, Mum has been coming with us as well, she always has treats in her pockets, I’m sure her coat is made from treats! Troy thinks he deserves a treat for everything – coming back when he’s called, fetching a stick when Dad throws it, he’s such a do-gooder. Well he was until he decided to run after a strange dog! I’ll tell you what happened…

We had gone onto MY beach and Dad had let me run off first whilst Troy stayed on his lead, I did a couple runs by past Troy sticking my tongue out shouting “ner ner na ner ner I’m off my leeeaddd” …..hehehe He was jumping and crying as usual. Dad walked him nearer to the water and then told him to sit down whilst he took his head collar off, of course he got a treat for doing that dead easy thing! He then chased after me woofing he was going to catch me, I ran as fast as I could, but I was laughing so much he caught me pretty quick. He tagged me and ran off, as I turned to chase after him I spotted this big furry dog heading for us, it was running at top speed, it really didn’t look like it wanted to play either, I don’t like strange dogs so I started to run towards it to tell it to go away we are not playing.

When the strange dog got close to me, I could tell it wasn’t friendly because it was growling, so I shouted at it to go away, but it wouldn’t listen to me, it then headed straight towards Dad! Troy was playing in the water and didn’t notice what was going on until the strange dog barked at Dad. When Troy heard that he turned around and saw what was going on, and he set off at full speed after this dog! Wow Troy is actually a really fast runner! He barged into the strange dog and knocked it over! he then started shouting at it to leave us alone. Dad shouted Troy to come back because the strange dog had run off, but Troy wouldn’t go back to Dad, instead he chased after the strange dog and pushed him over again. Dad was shouting like mad but Troy wouldn’t come back until he was sure the strange dog had learnt its lesson.

I stayed next to Dad until Troy came back, and Dad gave me 2 treats because I had been good and not chased after the strange dog, but Troy on the other paw, was on the naughty step, because when he got back to Dad and sat down he wasn’t given a treat, Dad told him off and said he was naughty for not coming back. Troy tried to explain to Dad that he was protecting him, but Dad said “Troy stop answering me back with that crying, you have been naughty and should have come back when I whistled you”. I sat there and said “Yeah Troy you we well naughty” hehehe..

When we got home Dad told Mum about the strange dog and how naughty Troy was, but instead of Mum agreeing with Dad she went up to Troy and gave him a big cuddle and kiss for protecting me and Dad! I ran over to Mum and said “Wow wow wow let me get one thing straight Mum Troy DID NOT protect me, I’m a big brave girl and I don’t need protecting” Honestly the shame of it…

Mum told Little John, Alicia and Coriene about how brave Troy had been, and the next thing they walk in with a big new toy for him! Obviously I stole it hahahahaha… and Troy cried… somethings never change.

See you soon

Love Olga and the boat anchor. 

Saturday, 17 September 2016

Troy can Monster

Hi everyone it’s only me Olga….

I thought I’d let you know how Troy’s training is going, firstly he is not listening to me at all, I told him when we go out in the car he has to sing because Dad loves it when we do. Troy looked at me and said “why”? – I said “errmm because we do, because Dad loves to join in, I’ll show you what I mean when we go out”. 

After our tea Mum and Dad got their boots on which only means one thing ‘walkies’, so I got up and started jumping about and singing, I told Troy to join in, but he didn’t ohhh no that goody four paws sat down waiting for Dad to come back with our leads. Troy stayed where he was whilst Dad put his head collar on, and then he gave him a treat and said he was a good boy!

I was jumping about like I always do and Dad shouted at me! I didn’t get a treat - how rude Dad! When we got in the back of the car, I told Troy we have to start singing, and we must shout at every dog that we pass to tell them where we are going. “Why Olga” – wow Troy you are going to get on my nerves very quick if you keep asking me Why! for everything.

As we set off in the car I spotted a Dog and started shouting, Dad joined in as well shouting “Olga! Olga Olga” I followed that with “Woof Woof Woof” hehe, see I told you Dad likes to sing. Troy doesn’t sing he just sits there and watches everything go by, I had to tell him it’s not much fun singing on your own, so I ended up giving up and sat next to Troy watching the cars go by – boring! Dad gave us both a treat when we stopped.. see Dad does love my singing.

When we got to Louis’s beach I showed Troy what he needs to do with those pesky birds… oh my goodness he is rubbish!!! I told him that we have to clear them off by running and shouting at them and I showed him how to do it, but instead of following me he stood there and said “Why?” - “Why? - because Louis said we have to, and all our friends on here do it, honestly Troy I wonder about you sometimes, it’s clear you have never owned a beach before” – “Olga who’s Louis and what’s a beach?” – see this is what I’m up against.

Dad took MY NEW BALL with us and we played chase, obviously I am loads better at that game than Troy, but Mum said I have to let him win sometimes because he cries if I don’t – the big girl. As we ran down the beach, Troy took off in front of me and wondered where he was going, so I followed him and then all of sudden he stopped and nearly fell over the top of him, “Troyyyyyy what are you doing you stupid thing!” he said “Olga look at that, it’s a big monster!” It was massive, I said “ermmmm stay here and guard it I’ll go and get Dad” I ran back to get Dad, and when we got back Troy had stayed where I told him he said he was guarding the monster- well done Troy I told Dad to give him a treat hahaha …

Troy was very pleased with himself and kept going on and on about being a monster catcher – yeah yeah Troy don’t get too big for your paws you’re still new here, and have a lot to learn.

When we got home, Dad washed all the sand off me and Mum got my towel to dry me off, Troy on the other hand wasn’t for getting a wash, he took off down the garden and wouldn’t go to Dad. It was funny watching Dad trying to tempt Troy with treats, he was having none of it. In the end Dad pretended to turn the water off and I went back outside and Dad made a big fuss of me and gave me lots of treats, Troy felt left out and came up for the treats, and that’s when Dad got him hahahha he ended up having a wash after all.

When we finally got inside, Dad had a big stretch on the floor next to me and Troy jumped on him and licked his face and fur haha Troy wouldn’t let Dad get up until he had given him a wash hahahah..Dad was shouted “Louis, Olga, Troy get off” I was laughing so much I couldn’t do anything to help Dad, both Mum and Dad seem to go through all our names before they get to Troy hahaha when he finally let Dad go he was dripping wet after the Troy wash….

After our big run it was time for bed, Dad always carries me up to bed because my legs are sore after I’ve been running, and he fluffs my duvet up before I get in and snuggle in for the night. I told Troy it was his turn to wake Dad up because I’ve been doing it for ages, so I explained that I will give him a nudge when it’s time and all he has to do is stand next to Dad and stare at him, “Have you got that Troy? Do you know what you have to do?” – “Yep I got that, you wake me up and I wake Dad up – got it”. When Dad came to bed he fluffed Troy’s duvet up and for some reason his bed looked comfier than mine, so I thought I’m not having this! 

So as soon as Dad made the room dark I whispered to Troy “Right time to wake Dad up” "What already Olga?” – “Yes Troy do as you’re told!” So Troy got up and stood next to Dad, and whilst he was stood there staring I got up and swapped beds – ohhh yes this is loads better to stretch out in. Dad told Troy to go to bed, and when he tired to get back in his box he spotted me, “Olgaaaa moveeee that’s my bed” – “Haha Troy snooze you lose, there’s a perfectly good bed there get in and go to sleep”

He has soooo much to learn....

See you soon
Lots of Love

Olga and Troy Boy.

Saturday, 10 September 2016

Queen of the hide and seek game!

1...2....5…3….7….12.10… coming ready or nottttttttt……..

Ahaha I bet he’s behind door…. Nope… erm try the kitchen .. nope… upstairs.. nope………I know the wood shed! …nope…”Muuuumm Louis isn’t playing fair he won’t come out even when I’ve told him I give up!”

Hi everyone it’s only me Olga..

That was me a few weeks ago, when Louis told me we were going to play hide and seek, and it was my turn to seek, I searched for days but couldn’t find him. I went to tell Mum and she cuddled me for ages and she must have drooled on me because my neck was wet through when she let me go – ewww Mum! She told me Louis had gone to play on the farm over the rainbow bridge, with all his friends.

I thought how rude! Why didn’t he tell me?

I’m still not happy with Louis for leaving me plus Mum and Dad have both really sad, I tried to make them happy by bringing Dad my ball to play with but he just didn’t seem to be bothered with it, so I tried my favorite pink bone but that didn’t work either, I thought wow this is going to take something really big to help, so I ran upstairs and found the last bit of Frisbee I had hidden from Louis in my bed, but that didn’t work either he looked really sad.

I’m really mad with Louis because I’ve had to work out how I look after Mum and Dad with no instructions - which is not easy let me tell you! I’ve had to get up early and stare at Dad till he wakes up and take him out for a run every day, but only if it’s not raining – if I hear the rain the I just go back to bed after I’ve woken Dad, I’m sure he doesn’t mind. I have to let Mum check my gums all the time, honestly I don’t know how Louis did it, he was right being top dog is not easy! I might need some help with this!

Being on my own wasn’t much fun at all, even my Nana with the see through roof was sad, honestly did they not understand I tried my hardest to find him, it’s not my fault he cheated and sneaked off without telling me!
Mum and Dad said we were going to see Auntie Pam and my FOND friends, which I was excited about, I made sure I packed all my toys and was ready and waiting when Mum came home. When we got to Auntie Pam’s I ran out and gave her a great big kiss and cuddle, she said I looked lovely – of course I dooooo.

We all had a drink and Auntie Pam asked if we were ready to go and meet a new boy that had just got into FONDS care – hang on!! A new boy? What new boy? Mum called me over and told me we were going to meet someone called Troy who needed a new home…. Wow wow wow hang on a second… when I said I might need some help I didn’t actually mean it!!!

Mum said it was up to me to see what he’s like, and if I didn’t like him then its fine she is sure he will find a lovely home soon. I agreed to go and visit this Troy boy, what sort of name is Troy anyway!!

We arrived at Dod and Karolyn’s and went around the back of the house to see Troy, he was stood up at the gate waiting for us, he looked like Louis but with a massive long tail! I bet he gets exhausted chasing that thing! – hours of fun.
Mum and Dad made a fuss of him, and I found some of his toys, to steal..erm no I mean to play with, one is a big orange ball, which of course I decided would be better as one of my toys, so took it off him. He came hopping over to me saying “ Alrite Kidda Whatcha gawpen at”! I looked at him as I had no idea what he said so I said very slowly “HELLO… MY.. NAME… IS… OLGA”

Mum, Dad, Dod and Auntie Pam said we were going for a walk in the big field and to have a wander around the woods, Troy said it was great fun in the woods and he would show me around. We walked for ages up this big hill and then we went into this field with big balls of straw in it, Troy wasn’t allowed off his lead but Dad said I could go and have a run about. This place was great, I ran up to Troy and said “Come on”, Dod let Troy off and we had a run about, he wanted to play chase, and tagged me and then ran off, I ran after him and almost caught but he turned dead quick and I fell over and he laughed! 

I thought right matey you need to be told whose boss, so I said “I know lets play hide and seek” Troy didn’t know how to play so I explained it to him, I said “you have to count to 10 and I’ll go and hide then you have to find me” He said “Ok that sounds easy, but ermmm what’s counting?” Wow this lad is proper stupid!, I said “you have to say 1...2....5…3….7….12.10… coming ready or nottttttttt……..and then you come and find me” He said he could do that, so off I went.

I hid behind a big ball of straw and when he ran past jumped out and tripped him and them pounced on him and nipped his ear, I told him I was Top Dog, he looked at me and then gave me a kiss! Ewwwww what a horrible dog!
When we got back Auntie Pam asked if Troy wanted to come for a sleep over, he was dead excited and started bouncing all over the place shouting Yes Yes Yes, I’ll bring my toys! I said only if you bring your orange ball.

So after spending a few days with us, Mum asked if I would be happy for him to come home with us, because he needed a lovely home, and she said he would be a good friend for me, I looked at him as he was asleep on him back! And thought it might be ok, but if he does my head in Mum then when we play hide and seek next I’m not going to find him!

So we have a new member of the family, I might let him help me look after Mum and Dad but only after he has done his training!

Lots of Love

Olga and Troy…