Tuesday, 4 April 2017

New Photos and Dead Fish!

Helllooo everyone it’s only me Olga (not Wolgi) although Mum keeps calling me Wolgi now! – damn that Troy! He’s not using my laptop again because he dribbled all over it and the T letter was stuck down with drool! He’s such a dribbley boy.

I wanted to tell you that we had a visit from FOND royalty 😊 my Aunty Pam came to see meeeee oh and Troy. I was really good and of course Troy had to show off and start jumping about with his rope! Priscilla came with Aunty Pam but she stayed looking after the van whilst Mum and Dad had a good catch up.

It’s been ages since I’ve had a run on my beach, Dad said I’m not allowed to chase after Troy because my bionic leg hasn’t fully mended yet.

I’ve been to Rutland again today to see Duncan, it was a bit traumatic for me, I’m not sure what happened but I got myself in a bit of a state, and I couldn’t stop barking at everything and everyone, I think I frightened the lady that came to book me in because she made me wear a thing on my mouth – I think it’s called a muzzle! Oh the shame, as soon as I got to my room upstairs, Vicky one of my favourite nurses, came to see me and she took that stupid thing off and she gave me a bug cuddle and lots of kisses, she also gave me some sweet juice to drink and she stayed with me whilst I had a little sleepy. She told to make sure I smile when they take my photo, so as I drifted off I made sure I was smiling. 😊

I’m still not allowed to have a run about for another 4 weeks! But Duncan said I was healing really well and he showed me and Mum the photos he took of me! I think he needs to have some lessons because you cannot see my face at all!

Dad’s been taking Troy to a new part of MY beach, they walk there instead of going in the truck, and they have to cross a bridge that goes over a train track, Dad was telling Mum that Troy didn’t know what was happening when this train sped under them! He tried to chase after it but it was too quick so he just stood and barked at it – silly boy!

The new part of the beach has got lots of steps before you get onto the beach, and there are loads of hidey holes which will be ace in a game of hide and seek! Troy still hasn’t got the hang of the game yet, he thinks if he cannot see me then I cannot see him – he’s such a div!

I’ve been going to my Nana’s with the see-through roof every day, I love my Nana. I’ve got her into a routine now, we have mid-morning snack when the two hands on the clock are almost touching, then when they look like the letter L for Louis we have a biscuit. I have a big fluffy duvet in front of the fire, and a fresh bowl of water every day. Mum drops me off at Nana’s every morning, and when I’ve given her a kiss and I’ve had a drink of my fresh water, I go and give Grandad a big wet kiss, he’s never awake when I get there but I know he loves me waking him up with a kiss because he shouts “Olgaaaaa” 😊

Mum came with us the other night when I took Troy and Dad on the beach, she panics when Troy goes off chasing the birds. He took off this time and Mum was shouting him to come back but he ignored her, he was zig-zagging across the beach and then he stopped, Dad said “I think he’s found you a present”. Mum said “What do you mean”, Dad said “You’ll see he’s on his way back”. When Troy reached us, he had a dead fish flapping about in his mouth and he plonked it down next to Mum! Her face was a picture, and he looked very happy with himself, he told Mum that she didn’t have to worry about what we were having for tea. Dad said he does that every day, he has a super sensitive snout hahaha.

Troy has been working with Dad and he’s been telling me about what he gets up to, he said his new friend Martin gives him lots of treats and he said he wants Troy to live with him! I need to meet Martin and convince him his idea is a good one and the sooner the better! 😊 Troy said he’s almost sorted all Tom’s toy box out, and he’s gotten rid of a few of his old toys, oh and he’s nearly finished all his treats as well.

Troy was telling me that he finally came face to face with Tom today and Tom ran up to him and barked right down Troy’s ear! Troy said he wasn’t having that so when Martin put Tom back in his room, Troy ran up and grabbed one of Tom’s favourite toys and he ripped it to shreds! I told Troy that wasn’t big and it wasn’t clever, he looked a bit sheepish and walked away muttering something, he’s really naughty sometimes … actually he’s really naughty most of the time.
Right I better go I think Troy is trying to steel my tea, I can hear him rustling about in my bowl!

See you soon

Love Olga and Troy xxxxxxx


  1. Oooh er Olga Wolgi, what on earth has happened to your leg? You didn't see that Supervet in Surrey did you?!!! He likes doing things like that :) Are you Bionic Doberwoman now? I expect you'll have to be a Pampered Pooch for the next month or so. Be careful running on YOUR beach though when you're better.

    I do love that Troy-Boy and I hope you do too. He's hilarious. Keep him away from trains though. All that walking over trains lark sounds a bit dodgy to me especially when lunatic Dobermans are involved.

    We're thinking of fostering little treasures such as you Olga. I just need to get my head round that as I still miss Audi and all who went before her.

    Must go and chase those pesky pigeons off my lawn who are nicking my grass seed. Troy Boy doesn't want a job does he? Lol! Oh, and I must get the man of this house to read your blog; he'll be highly amused for the rest of the evening. It's better than Netflix!

    Keep writing Olga. You so brighten up my day :).

    Anne xx

  2. Ohhh hello Anne, I'm sure there will be lots of dobies that would love to come and live with you, and for them to have their forever home with you.
    If you need help with the pesky pigeons Troy is the boy for you! You can take him if you want I don't mind :)

    I'm glad you like hearing about my life after Louis, I'm sure Louis and Audi are playing all day every day and are having lots of fun.

    Mum and Dad miss Louis, and don't tell anyone but I miss him as well, although I don't miss him throwing me about the beach!

    I better go Troy is hovering near my tea and if he eats again I'm going to bite him! He has been warned!

    Love Olga xxxx
